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Author Archive

Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis
Your NEAT is Neat!

Have you ever thought about how the small activities you do throughout your day impact your overall health? Yeah, me either, until now! Let’s say you have a goal to improve your health by eating…

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Now Walk It Out

Did you know weak or tight muscles may alter the way you walk? Did you also know that physical therapists study walking mechanics for multiple years and therefor know how you should or should not,…

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Kettlebell exercises
10 Greatest Kettlebell Exercises EVER!

Disclaimer: This is a subjective statement made by the author and is subject to change and possibly already has! The kettlebell is simple and basic, yet highly effective at building strength, power, endurance, and flexibility….

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Isometric vs Isotonic How to Train Your Muscles
Isometric vs Isotonic: How to Train Your Muscles

 There are multiple ways in which muscles produce tension, including isometric and isotonic contractions. Training in these specific methods produce similar outcomes, such as increased strength, but also provide unique benefits, such as improved muscle/tendon/joint…

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Indoor Cycling
Indoor Cycling: Set-Up Tips for Oregon’s Rainy Season

The days are getting shorter, wetter, and cooler, but that does not mean that the cycling season is over. Some may choose to retreat to the indoors for their riding and fitness fix, and if…

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Thanksgiving Injuries
Tips for Avoiding Thanksgiving Injuries

Thanksgiving is arguably one of the best holidays of the year for three specific reasons: Friends, Football and FOOD! If you are not careful, though, Thanksgiving can turn into one of the most dangerous holidays….

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Sciatica: The BACKstory

I’ve heard of the Sciatic Nerve, but what is it exactly? The sciatic nerve is the largest and longest nerve in the human body. Basically, its job is to connect the spinal cord to the…

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running shoes
Running Shoes: Choose Comfort Over Cuteness

All too often, shoes are purchased based on design or brand loyalty. Even if the shoe is not correct for the athlete or sport, they will sacrifice comfort for a product that pleases the eye….

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Why do my joints pop?
Why do my joints pop (lock & drop it)?

Have you noticed that as we get older, we tend to do more “popping” and less “locking” and “dropping”? Everyone has experienced that unsettling feeling of hearing Rice Krispies noises when bending down to tie…

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Tips for Improving Comfort When Working Home
Tips for Improving Comfort When Working from Home

“Improvement Comes from Movement” Whether you kept traditional office hours or now work from home, we are all under more stress as we adapt to change and navigate the unknown. As many individuals are now…

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