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Author Archive

horseback riding
(Keep) Horsin’ Around – Horseback Riding Safety from a PT

Whether you are a longtime equestrian, have never ridden, or are hoping to get back in the saddle, here are some great Horseback Riding Safety “DO’s and DO NOTs” from a Physical Therapist. DO: Always…

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motor vehicle accident
Why Physical Therapy is Important Following Motor Vehicle Accident

It is a reality. Motor vehicle accidents happen, and when they do, you often end up injuring more than just your vehicle. Each year, over 6 million accidents occur in America. Most of these are…

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ways walking keeps you well
10 Ways Walking Keeps You Well

The American Heart Association recommends that you walk or perform moderate aerobic activity for a total of 150 minutes per week. This is ideally spread throughout the week and can even be performed in shorter…

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Resistance Training Vs. Cardiovascular Training
Resistance Training Vs. Cardiovascular Training

If you are new to working out, or even a self-proclaimed “gym rat,” at some point you’ve probably wondered which form of training is most beneficial for you. Or maybe you’ve never thought about it…

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man suffering with whiplash
Physical Therapy For Whiplash

Whiplash. We have all heard this term and often associate it with a car accident. The truth is, there are a variety of ways in which one sustains a whiplash injury, such as when slipping/falling…

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mikayla's pilate exercise
Mikayla’s Top 10 Pilates Exercises

  Have you been searching for a full-body, low-impact workout option? You know, one not as generic as lifting weights or biking a few miles? Great news! Pilates may be the perfect choice for you!…

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back pain with golfing
Physical Therapy for Back Pain with Golfing

It’s that time of year. The sun is coming out, the grass is growing fast, and those sticks in the garage are calling your name. You got the perfect tee time at your favorite course…

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cervicogenic headaches
Headaches: The Case of Cervicogenic Headaches

Cervicogenic headaches are extremely common and treated daily in most physical therapy clinics. Many individuals we evaluate in clinic, whether they are being seen for their neck, back, or shoulders, reveal they also experience headaches….

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why is a custom splint needed after tendon injury
Why is a Custom Splint Needed After a Tendon Injury?

Armworks Hand Therapy provides many specialized treatments for the elbows, wrists, and hands, which sometimes includes custom splinting. One reason a custom splint may be necessary is after a tendon injury. Today we will discuss…

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physical therapy myths
Top 10 Physical Therapy Myths – DEBUNKED

Physical Therapy may have some misleading misconceptions. Maybe it is something you heard, something you assumed, or even something you assumed you heard. Today we will address and DEBUNK the Top 10 Physical Therapy Myths,…

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