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Author Archive

Dead Bug Progressions for SAFE Core Training
Video: Dead Bug Progressions for SAFE Core Training

Many core exercises you see performed at your local gym are causing more harm than good. For example, the ab crunch machine is placing your spine in a hyper flexed position, causing compressive forces on…

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Video: Prone Shoulder Series

The prone shoulder series is an excellent grouping of four simple exercises that aim to correct sitting and standing posture, and strengthen the muscles in the upper back for stability throughout shoulder range of motion. Watch Cameron and Alex as…

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Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance

When asked, all eight SportsCare athletic trainers agreed the best way to prevent injury is to prepare in advance for the demands of your sport. Showing up to the first practice without having done any…

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Video: Ankle Mobility
Video: Ankle Mobility

Poor range of motion in the ankle affects your ability to function correctly as an athlete. Proper dorsiflexion (toes toward the shin) is important for many functional movements, including, squatting, step down activities and landing…

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New Year Resolutions – Do’s and Do Not’s

Goal Setting A year end goal is important, but can seem daunting. Setting small, manageable weekly or bi-weekly benchmarks will help you stay on track, and are rewarding once you hit them. After reaching your…

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Foam Rolling – Piriformis and Glutes
Video: Foam Rolling – Piriformis and Glutes

Foam rolling is a common practice used in a multitude of athletic and rehabilitation scenes. Called self-myofascial release (SMR), or self-massage, foam rolling is a technique that aims to inhibit overactive muscles for relaxation and…

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Video: THE Winter Workout For 2016

We can all agree that humans are two-legged creatures. How often though, besides standing, are we actually on two legs while upright? Walking is a single leg activity.. Running is a single leg exercise.. Kicking…

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Maintenance = Performance

Many student-athletes use the off-season for rest and relaxation. They completely take themselves out of sports and replace that time with travel, work, and catching up on the latest video games. This is a great…

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Foam Rolling
Video: Foam Rolling

Foam rolling is a common practice used in a multitude of athletic and rehabilitation scenes. Called self-myofascial release (SMR), or self-massage, foam rolling is a technique that aims to inhibit overactive muscles for relaxation and…

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Video: Push-Up

While the push-up is a great exercise for building your chest muscles, this compound movement also focuses on your arms, shoulders, back, abdominals and legs. The push-up is easy to add to any workout as…

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