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Author Archive

thoracic upper back mobility
Video: Thoracic Mobility

Thoracic mobility is important for many things, including: proper posture, efficient upper limb movement, and safely rotating the trunk without straining the low back. Watch this video then attempt these simple exercises if you are…

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Scar Massage Following Hand Surgery

Massage is an integral part of proper healing and scar formation following hand surgery. Tissue adhesion or thick scarring at the surgery site may cause complications such as limited range of motion or loss of…

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Jogging woman running in park
Spring Safety

Spring is the season which invites everyone back outdoors after a long, cold and rainy winter. While we are excited to get started on all our fair weather projects, we must remember that our muscles…

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Correct Posture with Upper Back Strength
Video: Correct Posture with Upper Back Strength

Look around.. I bet you will see more people with slouched backs and forward shoulders than people who are in a tall, open chested and upright position. Am I right? Poor posture is very common,…

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Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevate
R.I.C.E – It’s not JUST a food!

The weather is getting nice, which means you will be outside running and jumping and biking on a more consistent basis. No matter how careful you are though, injuries happen. Stepping off the curb wrong,…

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The Importance of Exercise Recovery
Cool Down: The Importance of Exercise Recovery

Preparation for your next event begins immediately after you finish your current activity. Proper nutrition, hydration, and rest are all important aspects of recovery. One component which tends to get overlooked is the cool down….

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Video: Mirror Box Therapy

Mirror box therapy is used to relieve pain and improve movement after injury or surgery. Visual feedback from the mirror “tricks” the brain into thinking both limbs are moving symmetrically, allowing the affected limb to…

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Video: Seventh Inning Shoulder Stretch

As basketball season comes to an end, we leave the hardwood for the fresh cut grass of the baseball diamond. Yes, this means we get to bust open the bags of sunflower seeds. And yes,…

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Dynamic Control – Lower Body Progression
Video: Dynamic Control – Lower Body Progression

This dynamic control exercise will recruit your hip, leg and ankle musculature as it challenges your balance and multi-joint stability. This routine can be incorporated into many rehabilitation plans, especially those recovering from ankle injuries….

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Mini Break Drills For The Office

Stressors are everywhere. We wake up with stress and fall asleep with stress. Be it from kids, school, traffic, money, or health, stress will find us on the daily. For most, stress only elevates when…

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